Honestly, we kind of grabbed this FHE lesson out of thin air, but it worked so well that my husband said, “You have to post that on your blog.”
Age Range: Sunbeam, Star, CTR
Song: The Shepherd’s Carol (it’s Christmas time!)
Scripture: Luke 15:4
What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
Lesson: We read Luke 15:4-7 together and explained what it meant. We talked about it literally (shepherds and sheep, why the shepherd would help the sheep, what kind of trouble the sheep could get into, and so on) and then metaphorically (we are the sheep, Jesus is our Shepherd). We even referenced Lehi’s vision of the Tree of Life with the iron rod and the mists of darkness to help the boys understand how we can be ‘lost.’ You might want to watch the video of the parable, below.
Activity: We had bits and pieces of the boys’ sheep costumes lying around still, so we played a game called “The Lost Sheep.” One person would be the Shepherd, and go stand with their face turned away from the rest of us. Then, one person put on a sheep hat and quietly ran and hid. When we told the Shepherd to turn around, he had to figure out who was missing and then go find them. Some of our sheep hid really well, so once our little shepherds were frustrated, we called out for the sheep to ‘baa.’ Sometimes it took several tries for the sheep to be found. Once the sheep was found, they became the next Shepherd and play continued. This was one of the best activities we have ever done, there was so much laughing and the boys wanted to play it again the next day!
Treat: Rice Krispie Treats