Hello! This course is intended to help increase strength in your hands and arms. It is put together with information for a home program provided by an occupational therapist. Do your exercises every day for stronger hands and arms!
A few basic supplies and materials are required for this course. Here are some that we use:
- Day 1: An adjustable hand grip strengthener, similar to this
- Day 1: A set of elastic resistance bands, similar to this
- Day 8: Therapy Putty (similar to this), if you cannot get it you can use a couple of eggs of Silly Putty but it will not be as strong
- Day 12: a zip ball, similar to this
- Day 26: standard office sized rubber bands
- Day 36: 2 hand weights, 1-5 lb size (your choice), similar to this.
Day 1
1. Use the hand grip strengthener. At whatever level is comfortable for you, slowly squeeze and release it 10 times with each hand.
2. Read how to do a reverse fly with an exercise band. (Is that confusing? Here is a video.) Using your band, try it! Slowly do it 10 times.
Day 2
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 10 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
Day 3
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 10 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Stand on the middle of the exercise band, one end in each hand. Slowly bend your elbows and bring your hands up to your shoulders, then put your hands back down. (Here is a video.) This is called a bicep curl. Do 10 bicep curls.
Day 4
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
Day 5
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
Day 6
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat! Squeeze and release the hand grip strengthener 15 more times.
Day 7
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.
Day 8
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.
5. Get out your therapy putty and 10 coins. Mix the coins into the putty so that they are not touching each other and you cannot see them from the outside. (Put the putty away with the coins still in it. We will be using this tomorrow.)
Day 9
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.
5. Get out your therapy putty. Remove all 10 coins from it. Make sure they get cleaned off.
Day 10
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.
5. Get out your therapy putty. Take a tablespoon of unpopped popcorn kernels or dry beans. Using both hands, push the pieces into the putty. Make sure each piece is completely covered by the putty and try not to have them touching each other. (Put away the putty with the pieces still in it. We will be using this tomorrow.)
Day 11
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.
5. Get out your therapy putty. Remove the beans or kernels from the putty. Try to clean them all the way off.
Day 12
1. Choose someone in your family and play with the zip ball together!
2. If you do not have a zip ball, repeat the exercises from Day 7.
Day 13
1. Use the hand grip strengthener. Slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Do you want to use the zip ball again? Play with someone in your family, or use the resistance band to do reverse fly 20 times.
Day 14
1. Get out your therapy putty and make it mostly round. Put it in the palm of your hand and squeeze it with all four fingers and your thumb. Make it round and squeeze it again. Squeeze the putty 20 times in each hand.
2. Hold your putty in one hand. Use the fingers of your other hand to stretch it out as far as you can, then make it mostly round again. Stretch the putty 20 times with each hand.
3. Get your resistance band. Step forward with one foot and loop the band under it. Gripping one end in each hand, keep your arms straight and raise your arms to shoulder level. (Here is a video to look at.) This is called a front raise. Do a front raise 20 times.
Day 15
1. Use the hand grip strengthener. Slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Using your resistance band, do a front raise 20 times.
3. Do bicep curls 20 times.
Day 16
1. Get out your therapy putty and make it mostly round. Put it in the palm of your hand and squeeze it with all four fingers and your thumb. Make it round and squeeze it again. Squeeze the putty 20 times in each hand.
2. Hold your putty in one hand. Use the fingers of your other hand to stretch it out as far as you can, then make it mostly round again. Stretch the putty 20 times with each hand.
3. Play with the zip ball or use your exercise band to do a reverse fly 20 times.
Day 17
1. If using the grip strengthener is easy for you now, see if you can adjust the tension to make it harder. Slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 20 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 20 bicep curls.
Day 18
1. Get out your therapy putty and 10 coins. Mix the coins into the putty so that they are not touching each other and you cannot see them from the outside. (Put the putty away with the coins still in it. We will be using this tomorrow.)
2. Using your resistance band, slowly do a front raise 20 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 20 times.
4. Using your exercise band, slowly do 20 bicep curls.
Day 19
1. Get out your therapy putty and 10 coins. Mix the coins into the putty so that they are not touching each other and you cannot see them from the outside. (Put the putty away with the coins still in it. We will be using this tomorrow.)
2. Take your therapy putty and make it mostly round. Put it in the palm of your hand and squeeze it with all four fingers and your thumb. Make it round and squeeze it again. Squeeze the putty 20 times in each hand.
3. Hold your putty in one hand. Use the fingers of your other hand to stretch it out as far as you can, then make it mostly round again. Stretch the putty 20 times with each hand.
4. Using your resistance band, slowly do a front raise 20 times.
5. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 20 times.
6. Using your exercise band, slowly do 20 bicep curls.
Day 20
1. We’re going to try some new hand exercises with the therapy putty. Click on the picture to see it bigger. Try doing each exercise.
2. Here is a link to directions if you don’t understand the pictures.
3. Using your resistance band, slowly do a front raise 20 times.
4. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 20 times.
5. Using your exercise band, slowly do 20 bicep curls.
Day 21
1. Choose 3 activities we have done so far and repeat them. Do you like the zip ball? The putty? The resistance band?
Day 22
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.
5. Get out your therapy putty. Take a tablespoon of unpopped popcorn kernels or dry beans. Using both hands, push the pieces into the putty. Make sure each piece is completely covered by the putty and try not to have them touching each other. (Put away the putty with the pieces still in it. We will be using this tomorrow.)
Day 23
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 15 times with each hand. Try to make it touch at the bottom!
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.
5. Get out your therapy putty. Remove the beans or kernels from the putty. Try to clean them all the way off.
Day 24
1. Choose someone in your family and play with the zip ball together!
2. If you do not have a zip ball, repeat the exercises from Day 20.
Day 25
1. Choose 3 activities we have done so far and repeat them. Do you like the zip ball? The putty? The resistance band?
Day 26
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Today you’re going to learn an new exercise called an isometric hook. Take a look at how your hands will be placed for this exercise.
3. Hook your fingers together and pull for 5 seconds, then switch which hand is on top. Repeat for a total of 10 times.
4. Now take your rubber band and place it on four fingers of one hand. (Do not put it over the thumb. Look here to see how it should go!)
5. Spread your fingers apart as far as you can and hold it for 5 seconds. Do this 10 times for each hand.
Day 27
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Do you remember how to do the isometric hook? Hook your fingers together and pull for 5 seconds, then switch which hand is on top. Repeat for a total of 10 times.
3. Using your resistance band, do a reverse fly 20 times.
Day 28
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 10 times with each hand.
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.
Day 29
1. Get out your therapy putty. Take your therapy putty and make it mostly round. Put it in the palm of your hand and squeeze it with all four fingers and your thumb. Make it round and squeeze it again. Squeeze the putty 20 times in each hand.
2. Hold your putty in one hand. Use the fingers of your other hand to stretch it out as far as you can, then make it mostly round again. Stretch the putty 20 times with each hand.
3. Get out 10 coins. Mix the coins into the putty one at a time so that they are not touching each other and you cannot see them from the outside. (Put the putty away with the coins still in it. We will be using this tomorrow.)
Day 30
1. Get out your therapy putty and remove the coins. Try to clean them all the way off.
2. Play zip ball with someone in your family! (If you do not have a zip ball, do resistance band exercises.)
Day 31
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 10 times with each hand.
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.
Day 32
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Play zip ball with someone in your family! (If you do not have a zip ball, do resistance band exercises.)
Day 33
1. Time to do therapy putty exercises again! Click on the picture to see it bigger. Try doing each exercise.
2. Here is a link to directions if you don’t understand the pictures.
3. Using your resistance band, slowly do a front raise 20 times.
4. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 20 times.
5. Using your exercise band, slowly do 20 bicep curls.
Day 34
1. Do 3 exercises of your choice.
Day 35
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Play zip ball with someone in your family! (If you do not have a zip ball, do resistance band exercises.)
Day 36
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Get out a pair of hand weights. Here is a page with 10 exercises to do with them. Today, do #1 (palms up wrist curl), #3 (bicep curl), #8 (lateral raise), and #10 (military press) 10 times each.
Day 37
We’re going to repeat yesterday’s exercises.
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Get out a pair of hand weights. Here is a page with 10 exercises to do with them. Today, do #1 (palms up wrist curl), #3 (bicep curl), #8 (lateral raise), and #10 (military press) 10 times each.
Day 38
We’re going to repeat yesterday’s exercises.
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Get out a pair of hand weights. Here is a page with 10 exercises to do with them. Today, do #1 (palms up wrist curl), #3 (bicep curl), #8 (lateral raise), and #10 (military press) 10 times each.
Day 39
We’re going to repeat yesterday’s exercises.
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Get out a pair of hand weights. Here is a page with 10 exercises to do with them. Today, do #1 (palms up wrist curl), #3 (bicep curl), #8 (lateral raise), and #10 (military press) 10 times each.
Day 40
1. Surprise! We are changing the exercises today. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Get out a pair of hand weights. Here is a page with 10 exercises to do with them. Today, do #2 (palms down wrist curl), #5 (triceps kickback), #6 (overhead extension), and #7 (chest press) 10 times each.
Day 41
1.We are copying yesterday’s exercises. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Get out a pair of hand weights. Here is a page with 10 exercises to do with them. Today, do #2 (palms down wrist curl), #5 (triceps kickback), #6 (overhead extension), and #7 (chest press) 10 times each.
Day 42
1.We are going to do these exercises one last time. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 20 times with each hand.
2. Get out a pair of hand weights. Here is a page with 10 exercises to do with them. Today, do #2 (palms down wrist curl), #5 (triceps kickback), #6 (overhead extension), and #7 (chest press) 10 times each.
Day 43
1. 1. Get out your therapy putty. Take your therapy putty and make it mostly round. Put it in the palm of your hand and squeeze it with all four fingers and your thumb. Make it round and squeeze it again. Squeeze the putty 20 times in each hand.
2. Hold your putty in one hand. Use the fingers of your other hand to stretch it out as far as you can, then make it mostly round again. Stretch the putty 20 times with each hand.
3. Get out 10 coins. Mix the coins into the putty one at a time so that they are not touching each other and you cannot see them from the outside. (Put the putty away with the coins still in it. We will be using this tomorrow.)
4. Take your hand weights and do the bicep curl and military press 10 times each.
Day 44
1. Take the therapy putty and remove the coins from it. Try to clean them off completely.
2.Take your hand weights and do the bicep curl and military press 10 times each.
Day 45
1. Using the hand grip strengthener, slowly squeeze and release it 10 times with each hand.
2. Using your exercise band, slowly do a reverse fly 10 times.
3. Using your exercise band, slowly do 10 bicep curls.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a second set.