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Old Testament Lesson 6: Sacrifice and the Family of Adam
To Prepare: Read Moses 5; print a copy of the activity below for each child participating.
To Teach: Begin with a prayer. I chose to do a lot of summarizing and explaining in this lesson instead of straight reading. First, we talked about how after Adam and Eve left the garden they had to grow their own food and they started having children. Then, their children grew up and got married and there started to be people in the land.
Together, read Moses 5:4-6. Explain that Adam and Eve could not see God anymore, but they could hear Him and get help with their problems. They had been commanded to offer special sheep (the firstlings of the flock) as a sacrifice to God . . . I had to explain what that meant. We mentioned tithing as something that we give as an offering to God. Adam didn’t know why he was supposed to sacrifice the sheep.
Next, read Moses 5:7-9. Explain that the sacrifice of a perfect, firstborn, male sheep was like the sacrifice that Jesus would make. There were good consequences and bad consequences of the Fall, but Jesus would make it possible for the bad consequences to be taken away. We talked a little more about that here. (Refer to the activity sheet if desired.)
After I read/summarized/explained the story of Cain and Abel, we did our activity sheets. It’s a cut and glue, so be sure you know where your scissors and glue sticks are before you get started.