Welcome to Quarter 2 of MIDI Composition!
Day 46
1. Transcribe this piece of music on Signal or Beepbox (your choice) to the second repeat sign.
Day 47
1. Transcribe this piece of music on Signal or Beepbox (your choice). Before you begin, look through to see how many measures/phrases repeat throughout the piece.
2. Don’t forget to look at the time signature. What does it mean that it’s in 3/4 time? In Beepbox you can change the number of beats per bar from 8 to 6, so that each section will be 2 measures of 3 beats each.
Day 48
1. Today create a composition of your choice.
Day 49
1. Try transcribing the following into either Signal or Beepbox.
Day 50
1. Try transcribing this piece into either Signal or Beepbox.
Day 51
1. Try transcribing the following to Beepbox. Try setting the rhythm to 3 (triplets) for measures that have triplets written.
Day 52
1. Now that you have learned how to transcribe triplets, create a composition that includes triplets somewhere.
Day 53
1. Transcribe this piece to Beepbox or Signal.
2. Now modify or create a variation of the piece.
Day 54
1. Create a composition of your choice.
Day 55
1. Transcribe this piece with Signal or Beepbox. Be sure to note the tempo!
Day 56
1. Read about pickup notes.
2. Transcribe the following song on Beepbox. It has a pickup note. How will this change your transcription? STOP after the first chorus.
3. Add percussion of your choice to the composition.
Day 57
1. Watch the video “How to Write a Catchy Theme Like John Williams.”
2. Try composing a theme. John Williams says that he composes themes based on the characters in the movies he scores. Choose a character (pre-existing or original) and try to create a theme for them.
Day 58
1. Transcribe the following piece into Signal or Beepbox.
Day 59
1. Choose a prompt from this page and create a composition.
Day 60
1. Choose a different prompt from this page and create another composition.
Day 61
1. Transcribe this melody into Beepbox.
2. Add percussion and a bass line of your own composition.
Day 62
1. Watch the video “5 Beginner Tips for Writing a Melody.”
2. Try composing a melody.
3. After you’ve finished, close your computer and try to hum, whistle, or sing your melody. You will have to present your melody to your parent or adult by humming/whistling/singing it before you present the computer version.
Day 63
1. Using the melody you wrote yesterday, create a new composition.
Day 64
1. Today create a composition of your choice.
Day 65
1. Transcribe the following song into Signal or Beepbox.
Day 66
1. Take the following piece of music and try to create something interesting with it.
Day 67
1. Transcribe the following piece of music to Beepbox or Signal. Watch the time signature and your clefs!
Day 68
1. Transcribe the following piece of music in Beepbox or Signal.
Day 69
1. Today, create a composition of your choice based on a generated title. You may generate as many titles as you want until you find one you like. Make sure your composition is at least 16 bars long.
Day 70
1. Read the article “Beat Writer’s Block By Testing Your Musical Idea.”
2. Choose a composition you have already created. In a new tab, try one or more of the methods of testing your idea to create something different.
Day 71
1. Transcribe the following piece of music.
Day 72
1. Transcribe the following piece of music.
Day 73
1. Create a composition of your choice.
Day 74
1. Today we’re going to do something different. Here is a link to the right hand only of Beethoven’s famous composition “Für Elise.” Using any or all of the melody, create an original composition.
Day 75
1. Let’s review our scales. Watch the video “Music Scales Explained in 6 Minutes.”
2. Create both a minor and a major scale in either Signal or Beepbox.
Day 76
1. Choose a random number between 1 and 12. Count down the list of scales until you find the one that matches your number.
2. Create a composition using the scale you randomly chose. This composition must be at least 16 measures long.
Day 77
1. Create a composition of your choosing.
Day 78
1. Test out the transposition exercise on this page. First, transcribe the section of “Fly Me to the Moon” as written.
2. Then, transpose the melody into three different keys. You can reference the list of scales to help you with this.