Of all the things I teach, the thing that my little two-year-olds love the most is singing. It’s right up there with listening to stories snug on mama’s lap and running around the backyard with their brothers. Their absolute favorites are the action songs, where they can wave their arms and move their fingers as we sing the words.
The problem is that once we got past The Itsy Bitsy Spider and Once there Was a Snowman, I had a hard time of thinking of different songs to keep them interested (and me sane). I’ve compiled here a list of songs to sing and play with little children…and bigger children, too.
Action Songs from the Children’s Songbook
Popcorn Popping
Rain is Falling All Around
Do As I’m Doing
Once There Was a Snowman
Book of Mormon Stories
Birds in the Tree
Fun to Do
The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
Daddy’s Homecoming
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
If You’re Happy and You Know It
Other Action Songs
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
The Wheels on the Bus
I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee
5 Little Monkeys (in a Tree)
I Had a Little Turtle (Tiny Tim)
Singing Games
London Bridge is Falling Down (and how to play)
Ring Around the Rosie (and how to play)
Now, this list is definitely not comprehensive, but it should help to keep the monotony of singing Tiny Tim over and over and OVER again at bay!