My husband is a Sunday School teacher for the youth, and he’s really been enjoying the new curriculum. More than once, we’ve seen the lesson topics bleed over into our Family Home Evenings. Here’s an example.
Age Range: Sunbeam, Star, CTR
Song: Book of Mormon Stories
Scripture: D&C 25:12
For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.
Lesson: Since the lesson this week was given by a three-year-old, we just talked briefly about why we sing songs in Primary. The older kids were asked to volunteer a Primary song that we can learn something from, and what we could learn from it. Then we skipped straight to the activity.
Activity: We had printed a picture from the Gospel Art gallery (we chose Samuel the Lamanite on the wall, for no reason other than we like it) onto a piece of cardstock and cut it into a puzzle with six pieces. I chose six because that’s how many people are in our family. Feel free to adjust yours! On the back of each piece I wrote the name of a Primary song that I knew the boys were familiar with that I felt had a Gospel message that was easy to pick out – I am a Child of God, the First Article of Faith Song, Scripture Power, Book of Mormon Stories, Follow the Prophet, and I Lived in Heaven.
Each person in turn went to the front and picked a puzzle piece from the wall (we had taped them up, but all jumbled) and we sang a verse of the song on the back. Then we talked about what we could learn from it while they tried to fit it into the rest of the puzzle. Everyone really enjoyed this activity and got into it, plus it was extremely easy to prepare for, so it was a win in my book.
Treat: Sugar cookies and milk