Busy Bags are great! Little packets of prepared activities in portable form, they are perfect for packing for travel or waiting rooms or restaurants. Busy bags can be simple or elaborate, cheap or expensive. Here’s another example of a cheap busy bag that’s quick to put together.
Estimated Cost Per Bag: < $1* Estimated Time to Make: < 20 minutes Materials:
- Scraps of felt in different colors
- Scissors
- 1 large button
- About 1 foot length of wide ribbon (best if ribbon is the same width or slightly smaller than your button)
- Needle and thread
Sew button to one end of ribbon. Cut out a bunch of squares from the felt, fold in half and snip a hole in the middle for the button to pass through. (I checked the first few with the button, but you get good at estimating the right size after a while.) I decided to fold over a piece of felt and sew it to the other end of the ribbon to act as a stop, because when I tested it my felt slid right off the end. This way the felt squares stay on, but are easy to remove.
*Cost per bag is estimated based on amount of materials used. If you are only making one bag and have to go out and buy all the materials for the bag, cost of materials will be higher, but you will have leftovers.