I’ve written before about how much I love shopping for school supplies at Target’s Dollar Spot during all the back to school sales. (Confession: I am a homeschooling parent but I love LOVE love back-to-school shopping season. School supplies are fun!) Here’s what I got from my local Target in fall 2014:
I buy foam clocks pretty regularly. They don’t survive more than 6-12 months. Still, for $1, I’ll buy them over and over. This one had a special feature: it’s double-sided with the numbers of minutes arranged next to the hour numbers. Useful! I also love the little foam blocks, great for counting, graphing, sorting, and categorizing. They will also make good math manipulatives as well as being useful for building.
Next up: books! My jaw dropped when I saw that these illustrated adaptations were only one dollar. As you can see…I went a little nuts. I regret nothing, though, except perhaps that I didn’t pick up the little dictionary, thesaurus, rhyme dictionary, and a few other books that were there. One dollar! Obviously these don’t replace the original texts, but for the two older boys who have really only started on chapter books seriously this year, they’re the perfect level and a great way to get them exposure to some classic literature.
I’m fortunate in that I usually only have to provide educational material to the boys and they’ll just suck it right up. When I saw small $1 books about the 50 states, all US presidents, American historical figures as well as “cool” plants and insects, I didn’t even blink. Into the cart they went!
Finally, I picked up these dry-erase workbooks and cards. They had a variety of regular workbooks there as well, but with four of the boys I’d have to buy four of each one I wanted to use! Dry erase works better for my budget, because each boy can do whichever ones they like (and more than once) with only one book.
There were also flash cards (alphabet, phonics, math facts), cardboard frame puzzles, small books for early readers (I believe I saw Disney princesses and Lightning McQueen), pens, markers, pencils, notebooks, square blank books (for kids to make their own stories in), dry erase boards with lines for writing, and more. If you’re looking for some fresh supplies and inspiration for your homeschooling, check out your local Dollar Spot.
…No, I haven’t been paid or compensated in any way for this post. Too bad, too.