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Old Testament Lesson 10: Abraham 1
To Prepare: Read Abraham 1; print a copy of the activity below for each child participating.
To Teach: Begin with a prayer. Read verse 1 and summarize verse 2 by saying that Abraham was a righteous man, but he was looking for the blessings of the priesthood. Ask the children why they think Abraham might be looking for a new place to live. Read verses 5-7 and explain he was living in a place where people had turned to wickedness and were making human sacrifices.
Read verse 11 and talk about the three righteous girls who were sacrificed because they would not bow down to idols. Then say that Abraham’s father sent him to be sacrificed, also, and show the picture from the scriptures of the altar. Read verses 15-17 about what happened.
If desired, watch the video Deliverance of Abraham. This is not an illustrated story, it’s a dramatic re-enactment and may be a little intense for very young or sensitive children. Use your judgement.
Finish up with the activity sheet. You did it!