I had an old canvas that’s spent more years than I’d care to admit languishing in the corner of my spare room (with a half-finished, unsatisfactory painting on it). When I ran across this idea (via Pinterest, love it) I knew that it was just the thing to redeem it!
Instead of “you are my sunshine,” I wanted to put an excerpt from D&C 93:40.
But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth.
I’d just like to say that it’s not as easy to get your children’s footprints in paint on a canvas as you might think…however, it was managed, and I love it. It brightens up my whole dining room.
Don’t mind the black smudges, I blurred out my kids’ names. I hope this is a good inspiration for your own project!

/ March 1, 2014I wanted to repost this to facebook for a friend, but dont see a way to do it. is there?
/ March 1, 2014Now there is! I just added it.