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This is My Work and My Glory

(Back to OT Junior Seminary overview) Old Testament Lesson 2: This is My Work and My Glory There is quite a bit of deep doctrinal information in this chapter, so I had to pick and choose which pieces to focus on for my children. I boiled it down to: God has a body, we have […]

Seminary for Children

One thing I really want to accomplish in our homeschooling is to give my children MORE in the way of scripture study. I mean, I have them with me all day. Surely we have time for more, focused, daily scripture study. My kids are young enough that they can’t sit still very long (and those […]

Family Home Evening: Thou Shalt Construct a FAMILY

This lesson was inspired by a talk given in Sacrament meeting a few weeks ago. The speaker referenced the story of Nephi building a ship – not after the manner of men, but in the way that God would show him. Then, she said, we should build our families the same way. If we construct […]