Welcome to World Mythology, where we are going to be learning more about the myths and legends that ancient peoples told all over the world. In some ways, many of these stories are the same. In others, they are very different.
Navigational link: Quarter 2
Days with an asterisk (*) mean you have something to print.
Day 1
1. Today watch the Crash Course World Mythology preview.
Day 2
1. Watch the video “What is a Myth?”
2. Take the quiz.
Day 3
1. Watch the video about creation from the void.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 4
1. Watch the creation story of the Maya.
2. Watch the video about one version of the Egyptian creation myth. (The link should start you partway through the video to avoid the in-video ad.)
3. Watch the video about the Greek/Roman creation myth.
Day 5
1. Today watch about more creation mythology.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 6
1. Watch the video about earth mothers and rebellious sons.
2. Complete the quiz.
Day 7
1. Watch the video about the birth of the Olympian gods.
2. Watch the video about the origin of the Norse world.
3. Watch the video about the Enuma Elish. (Stop the video when they get to the sponsored ad section at the end.)
Day 8
1. Today watch the video about creation stories about people.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 9
1. Watch the video about Pandora.
2. Watch the video about Izanagi and Izanami.
Day 10
1. Watch the video about Humans and Nature and Creation.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 11
1. Watch the video “a brief history of dogs.”
2. Watch the video with more Native American creation stories.
Day 12
1. Today is the day everyone’s been waiting for: we’re talking about pantheons! Today watch the video about pantheons.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 13
1. Today watch the video “Sumerian Religion Simplified.”
Day 14
1. Watch the video “Every Egyptian God Explained.”
Day 15
1. Watch another video about the Egyptian gods. (Stop watching when the ad portion begins at the end.)
Day 16
1. Watch the video about Indian pantheons.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 17
1. Watch the video about Hindu deities.
Day 18
1. Today watch the video about the Greek and Roman pantheons.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 19
1. Watch the video about all the Greek gods.
Day 20
1. Watch some videos about Greek Mythology!
Day 21
1. Watch some more videos about Greek Mythology.
Day 22
1. Watch the video about the difference between the Greek and Roman gods.
Day 23
1. Watch the video about the Norse pantheon.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 24
1. Watch “Norse Mythology Explained in 15 Minutes.”
Day 25
1. Watch the video about African pantheons.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 26
1. Watch the video “The Many Gods of Yoruba Lore.”
Day 27
1. Watch the video about the theories of myth.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 28
1. Today watch the video about great goddesses.
2. Read the story of Urashima Taro. (Click ‘next’ to turn pages until you reach the end of the story.)
Day 29
1. Today we’re going to watch some more videos about goddesses.
- The Myth of the Moon Goddess
- The Myth of Hades and Persephone
- The Myth of Isis and the Seven Scorpions
- The Legend of Annapurna
- Rhiannon, Goddess of Forgiveness
Day 30
1. Today watch the video “Fire and Buffalo Goddesses.”
2. Take the quiz.
Day 31
1. Today watch “Moni Mekhala and Ream Eyso” (the Cambodian myth of lightning, thunder, and rain).
2. Then, watch “Sedna – Inuit Mother of the Deep.”
3. Watch “Freya, Beautiful Norse Goddess of Fertility.”
Day 32
1. Today watch the video “Archetypes and Male Divinities.”
2. Take the quiz.
Day 33
Today we’re going to watch more videos about gods.
- Loki and the Master Builder
- The Fijian Myth of the Greedy God
- How the Weakest Aztec God became Lord Sun
- The Death of Osiris
Day 34
1. Watch the video “Noah’s Ark and Floods in the Near East.”
2. Take the quiz.
Day 35
1. Yesterday they talked about flood myths spreading through cultural transmission. Watch the video about cultural transmission.
2. Just for fun, watch “Why Are Cats Mythology’s Most Popular Creatures?”
Day 36
1. Today watch “Yu the Engineer and Flood Stories from China.”
2. Take the quiz.
Day 37
1. Today watch a video about the 10 main deities in Chinese Mythology.
Day 38
1. Watch the video about American Floods.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 39
1. Today we’re watching some more myths from the Americas.
Day 40
1. Watch the video “The Dying God.”
2. Take the quiz.
Day 41
1. Today watch more videos about death.
- The Book of the Dead
- The King Who Tried to Conquer Death
- The Twins Who Tricked the Maya Gods of Death
Day 42
1. Today watch the introduction to tricksters.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 43
1. Let’s watch some more trickster stories.
- The Japanese Myth of the Trickster Raccoon
- Trickster Gods and the Mortals Who Love Them
- Coyote, Trickster and Shapeshifter
Day 44
1. Watch part 2 about tricksters.
2. Take the quiz.
Day 45
1. Today watch “15 Trickster Gods and Goddesses from Around the World.”
You’ve finished quarter 1, please proceed to quarter 2!