Welcome to Quarter 3 of Game Design! Do you need to go back to Quarter 1? Quarter 2? Forward to Quarter 4?
Day 91
1. Today you’re going to get started on your project. This is mostly self-directed. If you need help or can’t figure out what to do, talk to your parent or teacher. You will have until day 101.
Day 92
1. Continue working on your project.
Day 93
1. Continue working on your project.
Day 94
1. Continue working on your project.
Day 95
1. Continue working on your project.
Day 96
1. Continue working on your project.
Day 97
1. Continue working on your project.
Day 98
1. Continue working on your project.
Day 99
1. Continue working on your project.
Day 100
1. Continue working on your project.
Day 101
1. Please finish up your project.
Day 102
1. We’re taking a Crash Course day! Watch the following videos:
Day 103
1. We’re watching Crash Course again!
Day 104
1. Today you’re going to learn about gDevelop’s multiplayer features. First do the tutorial in the dashboard. Click ‘learn’ and then ‘Co-op Multiplayer.’ Complete the tutorial.
2. Next, watch the video “How to make a Multiplayer Game Easily in gDevelop.”
3. Give it a try! You are not creating a full multiplayer game. Instead, create a test project and see if you can get multiplayer functionality to work.
Day 105
1. Watch the video “Fix any Problem.”
2. Then watch “How to Make Your Game Better.”
Day 106
1. Watch the video “Top down Shooter in under 10 minutes!”
2. Try it out!
Day 107
1. See what you can do with a top down shooter. Either continue what you started yesterday or create a new game.
Day 108
1. Today do whatever you would like in gDevelop!
Day 109
1. Today we’re watching more Crash Course.
Day 110
1. Today we’re going to learn about another type of ‘top down’ game. Unlike a top down shooter, where the camera is directly above the playable area (90 degrees from the ground), in a ‘top down RPG’ the camera is off to the side–more like 45 degrees from the ground. For a refresher, go to gDevelop and click ‘learn’ then ‘top-down RPG pixel perfect.’ (If you’ve done this lesson before, see if it will let you do it again.)
2. You are going to make a top-down RPG mini game (essentially, one level or stage). Today brainstorm what kind of game you would like to make. Figure out who your player character is and what they are trying to do. Figure out what kind of problems or opponents stand in their way.
Day 111
1. Continue working on your minigame. Try and create the background/environment your character will be in. Begin adding items or enemies.
Day 112
1. Continue working on your minigame. You should be adding objectives or enemies today.
Day 113
1. Continue working on your minigame. Decide how a player will win the game. (If your game is unwinnable and the objective is to get the high score, make sure you make it possible for players to see their score.)
Day 114
1. Continue working on your minigame. What else do you need to do to finish up? Make a list. Work on the biggest remaining section.
Day 115
1. Keep working on your project. Are there any tutorials you need to watch? Perhaps you should look at how to make a leaderboard or the new tilemap object.
Day 116
1. Finish up your project. Is there anything you can do to make it nicer?
Day 117
1. It’s a Crash Course day! Watch the following videos:
Day 118
1. Today we’re going to watch more Crash Course!
Day 119
1. It’s time to start a new game project! We’re doing a ‘top-down RPG’ (Pokémon/Stardew Valley style). On gDevelop, click on ‘learn,’ then click on ‘top down RPG pixel perfect’ for a refresher.
2. Here are some tutorials to get you started.
- Make a Pokémon Style Monster Tamer Game
- How to Make an RPG Like Stardew Valley
- Make a Zelda-like Game
3. Today, choose a character, an objective, and an obstacle for your game. (For example, Pokémon might look like “you’re an aspiring Pokémon trainer, so you want to catch Pokémon, but both wild Pokémon and other trainers want to battle you.” Stardew Valley might look like “you’re a farmer who wants to make friends and improve their farm, but it takes work.” For Zelda, “you’re an adventurer who wants to save the princess, but monsters and enemies stand in your way.”) This can be whatever you want, but you need to write it down.
Day 120
1. Begin work on your game today. You’ll need to create a place for your character to start and a way for the player to learn the story. Not sure how to get started? Here’s a tutorial about setting up an RPG in gDevelop. Watch about half of it. (Don’t worry, you’ll have time to finish tomorrow.)
Day 121
1. Continue working on your game. If you’re using it, continue watching the setup tutorial today.
Day 122
1. Continue working on your game. Here is the next part of the tutorial, if you have been using it.
Day 123
1. Continue working on your game. Here is a very long tutorial on how to make a Zelda-like game in gDevelop. Skip to any parts you are interested in.
Day 124
1. Continue working on your game. Continue watching the very long and useful tutorial on how to make a Zelda-like game in gDevelop. Skip to any parts you are interested in.
Day 125
1. Continue working on your game. Continue watching the very long and useful tutorial on how to make a Zelda-like game in gDevelop. Skip to any parts you are interested in.
Day 126
1. Continue working on your game. Continue watching the very long and useful tutorial on how to make a Zelda-like game in gDevelop. Skip to any parts you are interested in.
Day 127
1. STOP! Do you have the story of your game established? Make sure you know who your character is and what they are doing. How will your player find out about the story? How will your player know they are making progress? How will your player know they have one? Make these decisions and try to establish them in your game. (If you have already done this, work more on your game.)
2. Watch the video about using dialogue in your game.
Day 128
1. Keep working on your game. Today, watch the following videos:
Day 129
1. Keep working on your game! You will have until day 135 to have it wrapped up.
Day 130
1. Make sure your game has either enemies or NPCs for your character to interact with. (You are allowed to have both.)
2. Here are some videos to help.
Day 131
1. Continue working on your game.
Day 132
1. Continue working on your game.
Day 133
1. Continue working on your game.
Day 134
1. Begin wrapping up your game. Remember that it needs to have an ending by tomorrow.
Day 135
1. Complete your game and show it to your parent or adult. (Remember that if you want, you can go back and add details to this game on your own time. Today, make sure the main structure is in place to allow a player to begin, play through, and end the game.)
You’ve completed quarter 3! Please proceed to Quarter 4.