Welcome to Quarter 4 of Game Design! Do you need to go back to Quarter 1? Quarter 2? Quarter 3?
Day 136
1. In the final quarter of this class, you are going to create a game that shows what you have learned. You can create any style of video game you like! However, we’re going to plan this out a little more in-depth before we get started. Today create a new game document. In it, write the following:
- Your game’s genre
- Your game’s perspective (platformer, top down, first-person, third-person, etc)
- Your game’s main character
- The object of the game
- The main obstacle the player will encounter
2. You will be able to change these later, but it’s important to make some decisions early and write them down.
Day 137
1. Today list at least 5 game stages/levels in your document. These should include the beginning (make sure you note how/what the player will learn about the game story and objectives), the end (how the player will win/end the game and what happens) and at least 3 ideas for stages or levels in the middle.
Day 138
1. Today sit down and list ideas for mobs, opponents, obstacles, bosses, etc. Make sure you write down notes about your character, its design, any upgrades or powerups you can think of, and any important equipment that you know you want in your game.
Day 139
1. Today is all about making design decisions! Will you be using pre-existing sprites? Will you be making your own? What about backgrounds, enemies, inventory, etc? If you are going to be using premade elements, go find the sets you will be using. If you will be designing your own, sketch out basic ideas either on paper or your computer. See how much you can get done today.
Day 140
1. Are you ready to get started? Use the plans you made in your game design document and begin work on your video game.
Day 141
1. Continue working on your video game. Remember, it’s best to get “broad strokes” in place first before you begin working on small time-consuming details.
Day 142
1. Continue working on your video game. Remember, don’t stop to add finesse to small details until the main structure is done!
Day 143
1. Before you continue working on your game, go to your game document and list the stages/phases/levels that you need to add before you reach the end of your game.
2. With that list in mind, continue working on your game.
Day 144
1. Continue working on your game.
Day 145
1. Continue working on your game.
Day 146
1. Are your levels or stages in place? If not, make a list NOW of how many you have left to do. Break it down by days and make a plan. How long will it take you to complete the main framework of your game?
2. Continue working on your game.
Day 147
1. Continue working on your game. Make sure you follow the plan you made yesterday.
Day 148
1. Continue working on your game.
Day 149
1. Continue working on your game. How many more days to you need before you will finish the main structure?
Day 150
1. Continue working on your game.
Day 151
1. Continue working on your game.
Day 152
1. STOP. Look at your plan and compare it to your game. How are you doing? What still needs to be done to make your game complete?
2. Make a list of the steps you need to follow to complete your game.
3. Continue working on your game.
Day 153
1. Continue working on your game.
Day 154
1. Continue working on your game.