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December, Week 1
Day 1
1. Read 1 John 4.
2. How has your life been influenced by love? Why do we all need to feel love, especially God’s love? Read 1 John 4:19. Why does John say we love God?
3. Listen to the song “Heavenly Father Loves Me.”
4. Listen to the song “Books in the New Testament.” Listen to the whole song.
1. Read 1 John 4.
2. How has your life been influenced by love? Why do we all need to feel love, especially God’s love? The Apostle John wrote epistles to Saints who were being misled by false teachings. He focused on God’s love for the Saints and how this love was manifested through the saving mission of Jesus Christ.
3. Read 1 John 4:8, 16. How did John describe God? Why do you think God could be described as love?
4. Do you feel that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you personally? Why or why not? Do you believe that They are aware of you and of your personal successes and struggles? Why or why not? What are ways They have shown or might show Their love for you?
5. Read the following statement by Elder Robert C. Gay of the Seventy about the power of God’s love:
His love is greater than our fears, our wounds, our addictions, our doubts, our temptations, our sins, our broken families, our depression and anxieties, our chronic illness, our poverty, our abuse, our despair, and our loneliness. He wants all to know there is nothing and no one He is unable to heal and deliver to enduring joy.
(Robert C. Gay, “Taking upon Ourselves the Name of Jesus Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 99)
6. How can recognizing and feeling God’s love influence our lives?
While serving as a member of the Seventy, Elder John H. Groberg explained:
When filled with God’s love, we can do and see and understand things that we could not otherwise do or see or understand. Filled with His love, we can endure pain, quell fear, forgive freely, avoid contention, renew strength, and bless and help others in ways surprising even to us.
Jesus Christ was filled with unfathomable love as He endured incomprehensible pain, cruelty, and injustice for us. Through His love for us, He rose above otherwise insurmountable barriers. His love knows no barriers. He invites us to follow Him and partake of His unlimited love so we too may rise above the pain and cruelty and injustice of this world and help and forgive and bless.
(John H. Groberg, “The Power of God’s Love,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2004, 11)
Day 2
1. Read 2 John 1.
2. John taught that God’s “commandments are not grievous” (1 John 5:3). (Grievous means severe or painful.) Rather, following the commandments is a way to express love for Him. How does obeying the commandments show that we love Heavenly Father?
3. Listen to the song “Choose the Right Way.”
1. Read 2 John 1.
2. Listen to the song “Books in the New Testament.” Listen to the whole song.
3. When someone feels loved or loves another person, their actions often change. John taught that our love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can motivate us to keep Their commandments.
4. While on a beach in Australia, Elder Von G. Keetch (1960–2018) of the Seventy met some surfers who had traveled there on a once-in-a-lifetime trip. They were complaining about a heavy mesh barrier in the water, keeping them from being able to surf the big waves. He continued:
As the American surfers became more animated, my attention was drawn to another nearby surfer—an older man and obviously a local. He seemed to be growing impatient as he listened to the ever-increasing complaints about the barrier.
Finally he rose and walked over to the group. Without saying anything, he pulled a pair of binoculars from his backpack and handed them to one of the surfers, pointing out toward the barrier. Each of the surfers looked through the binoculars. When my turn came, with the help of magnification, I could see something that I had not been able to see before: dorsal fins—large sharks feeding near the reef on the other side of the barrier.
The group quickly became subdued. The old surfer retrieved his binoculars and turned to walk away. As he did, he said words I will never forget: “Don’t be too critical of the barrier,” he said. “It’s the only thing that’s keeping you from being devoured.”
As we stood on that beautiful beach, our perspective had suddenly changed. A barrier that had seemed rigid and restrictive—that seemed to curtail the fun and excitement of riding the really big waves—had become something very different. With our new understanding of the danger that lurked just below the surface, the barrier now offered protection, safety, and peace.
(Von G. Keetch, “Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 115–16)
5. Heavenly Father gave us commandments for a reason. When we trust Him and follow His directions, we can be protected from dangers we may not even recognize. President Thomas S. Monson (1927–2018) stated:
God’s commandments are not given to frustrate us or to become obstacles to our happiness. Just the opposite is true. He who created us and who loves us perfectly knows just how we need to live our lives in order to obtain the greatest happiness possible. He has provided us with guidelines which, if we follow them, will see us safely through this often treacherous mortal journey. …
… He understands that when we keep the commandments, our lives will be happier, more fulfilling, and less complicated. Our challenges and problems will be easier to bear, and we will receive His promised blessings.
(Thomas S. Monson, “Keep the Commandments,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 83)
Day 3
1. Read 1 John 2.
2. Light is important for life on earth. It helps plants grow, lets us see, and even keeps us warm. Following Jesus brings light to our lives. As we follow Jesus and treat those around us with love, we can spread the light of Christ and make our world a better place.
3. Watch the video “Light Your Family.”
1. Read 1 John 2.
2. If you were to choose one or two words to describe God, what would they be? In his epistles, John often used the words “light” and “love.”
3. Read 1 John 2:8-11. How does hatred cause us to walk in darkness and stumble? How does loving each other bring light into our lives?
4. Watch the video “Light Your Family.”
5. In the Christmas season, we are encouraged to “light the world.” This means much more than just Christmas lights. How does serving others and sharing love light up our world? Visit the church website and play with the “Light the World” idea generator.
Day 4
1. Read Jude 1.
2. Because we are disciples of Jesus Christ, others sometimes make fun of us for our beliefs or the way we live. Jude counseled us to pray and keep the Holy Ghost with us, so that we can remain faithful.
3. Listen to the song “When I am Baptized.”
1. Read Jude 1.
2. Jude exhorted Church members to earnestly contend for the faith against false teachers. He described false teachers and counseled the Saints to build their lives upon the gospel of Jesus Christ.
3. Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said:
Today we warn you that there are false prophets and false teachers arising; and if we are not careful, even those who are among the faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will fall victim to their deception. (“Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers,” Ensign, Nov. 1999, 62)
4. Read the following statement by Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Brothers and sisters, let me give you a caution: you won’t be of much help to others if your own faith is not securely in place.
A few weeks ago I boarded a plane for South America. The flight attendant directed our attention to a safety video. ‘It is unlikely,’ we were warned, ‘but if cabin pressure changes, the panels above your seat will open, revealing oxygen masks. If this happens, reach up and pull a mask toward you. Place the mask over your nose and mouth. Slip the elastic strap over your head and adjust the mask if necessary.’ Then this caution: ‘Be sure to adjust your own mask before helping others.’ …
Now is the time to adjust your own spiritual oxygen mask so that you are prepared to help others who are seeking the truth. (“Joseph Smith,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014, 30)
Why is it important that we first build up our own spiritual strength before seeking to help strengthen the faith of others?
Week 2
Day 1
1. Read Revelation 1.
2. In Revelation 1:20, the Savior compared His Church to candlesticks. We can also shine the Savior’s light by living His teachings.
3. Listen to the song “Books in the New Testament.” Make sure you can sing it through Revelation. You made it to the end!
1. Read Revelation 1.
2. Because of its use of symbolism, the book of Revelation can sometimes seem strange or confusing. It is true that the book of Revelation is full of symbolism that makes parts of it difficult to understand. However, many messages in the book of Revelation are simple truths about such things as the roles of Jesus Christ, events surrounding the Second Coming, and the ultimate victory of good over evil. The book was written by John the Apostle and is addressed to seven congregations of the Church in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). Like many today, these faithful followers of Jesus Christ suffered because of their belief in Jesus Christ and were comforted by the messages and imagery written by John.
3. What meaning is there in the candlesticks seen in John’s vision? (Revelation 1:12) Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–1985) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:
Candlesticks carry light; they do not create it. Their function is to make it available, not to bring it into being. So by using seven candlesticks to portray the seven churches to whom John is now to give counsel, the Lord is showing that his congregations on earth are to carry his light to the world. Christ is the Light of the world (John 8:12). “Hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up — that which ye have seen me do. [3 Nephi 18:24; Matthew 5:14–16].
(Doctrinal New Testament Commentary [1990], 3:442)
4. Listen to the song “Books in the New Testament.” Make sure you can sing it through Revelation. You made it to the end!
Day 2
1. Read Revelation 3.
2. Look at this picture of Jesus:
What feelings might you have if you heard a knock at the door of your home and realized it was the Savior? Jesus Christ wants to be a part of our lives. He wants to help us, but we have to let him in. What are some ways that we can let Jesus into our lives?
3. Listen to the song “Heavenly Father Loves Me.”
1. Read Revelation 3.
2. Read the following account by Sister Sydney S. Reynolds, a former member of the Primary general presidency.
Sister Gayle Clegg of the Primary general presidency and her husband lived for a number of years in Brazil. Recently she had a Primary assignment in Japan. As she came into the chapel on Sunday, she noticed among the Japanese Saints a Brazilian family. … She only had a minute to greet them and found the mother and children very enthusiastic but noticed that the father was rather quiet. ‘I’ll have a chance to talk with them after the meeting,’ she thought as she was quickly ushered to the stand. She delivered her message in English, which was translated into Japanese, and then she felt impressed to bear her testimony in Portuguese as well. She hesitated as there were no translators for Portuguese, and 98 percent of the people would not understand what she said.
After the meeting the Brazilian father came up to her and said, ‘Sister, the customs are so different here, and I have been lonely. It is difficult to come to church and not understand anything. Sometimes I wonder if I would be better off just reading my scriptures at home. I told my wife, “I’ll give it one more chance,” and I came today for what I thought would be the last time. When you bore your testimony in Portuguese, the Spirit touched my heart, and I knew that this was where I belonged. God knows I am here, and He will help me’. (“He Knows Us; He Loves Us,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2003, 76)
3. Because the Lord knows us personally, He can help us with our specific and personal needs. He knows where we need help, and he knows where we need correction. Because the Lord loves us, He corrects us so we will repent.
4. Read Revelation 3:20. What feelings might you have if you heard a knock at the door of your home and realized it was the Savior? Would you open the door? If you open the door to the Savior, he will come in and be with you.
5. Take a look at this picture, then read the following account by President Spencer W. Kimball:
One day [an artist named Holman Hunt] was showing his picture of ‘Christ Knocking at the Door’ to a friend when the friend suddenly exclaimed: ‘There is one thing wrong about your picture.’
‘What is it?’ inquired the artist.
‘The door on which Jesus knocks has no handle,’ replied his friend.
‘Ah,’ responded Mr. Hunt, ‘that is not a mistake. You see, this is the door to the human heart. It can only be opened from the inside.’
And thus it is. Jesus may stand and knock, but each of us decides whether to open. (The Miracle of Forgiveness [1969], 212)
Day 3
1. Read Revelation 4.
2. In this chapter, John saw everything on the earth that had been created worshiping Heavenly Father. What did He do for us that makes Him worthy of praise? What should we thank and appreciate Him for?
3. Listen to the song “Choose the Right Way.”
1. Read Revelation 4.
2. The Apostle John saw glorified beings worshipping Heavenly Father as He sat on His throne. What he saw, he tried to explain with symbols and language that may be hard for us to understand. God sits on a throne in the celestial kingdom; the 24 elders with crowns are faithful elders who belonged to the seven churches; seven servants of God are referenced, not seven spirits; the sea of glass is the earth in its glorified, celestial state; the four beasts are actual animals representing classes (or species) of glorified beings; the beasts’ eyes represent great light and knowledge, and the beasts’ wings represent the power to move and act.
3. Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained why John might have mentioned the jasper and sardine stones (see Revelation 4:3):
In striving to record for mortal comprehension the grandeur, glory, and beauty of the Almighty of Almighties, John likens his appearance to precious and semi-precious stones. The jasper mentioned is believed by commentators to be a diamond …
… How can mortal prophets find language to unveil to the view of their fellow mortals the splendor and transcendent beauty of that eternal world of celestial might and glory? They speak of rainbows and jewels, of circling flames of fires, of burning coals of fire with lightning flashing forth therefrom; they tell of thunders and voices, of the sound of the rushing of many waters, and of majestic displays of might and beauty—all in an attempt to record in mortal words that which can be seen and known only by the power of the Spirit. (Ezek. 1 and 10; Isa. 6.) But the Lord be praised that they have made such attempts so that those who have not seen and heard may gain some meager knowledge of those things hidden behind the windows of heaven. (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [1965–73], 3:464–66)
4. What could the elders casting their crowns before Heavenly Father’s throne represent? It may be their recognition of Heavenly Father’s greatness; their acknowledgment that they owe their exaltation to Him; or their reverence, adoration, and submissive devotion to Him. What principle can we learn from this account about how recognizing Heavenly Father’s greatness can affect us? As we recognize Heavenly Father’s greatness, we desire to worship and praise Him.
Day 4
1. Read Revelation 5.
2. John learned from his vision that only Jesus Christ (represented by a lamb) could be our Savior and fulfill the Father’s plan (represented by the sealed book). Can you think of a time that you needed someone to help you do something you couldn’t do yourself? How did you feel about the person who was able to help you? What did Jesus do for us that no one else could do?
3. Listen to the song “When I am Baptized.”
1. Read Revelation 5.
2. Go back over verses 1-4. What did John see in God’s hand? (A book, or scroll, with seven seals.) In ancient times, important documents were sealed with clay or wax seals. Only the owner of the document and those whom the owner authorized were allowed to break the seals and read the text. According to verse 2, what qualification did the person who could open the book need to have?
3. The Doctrine and Covenants records some specific questions and answers Joseph Smith received about verses in Revelation. Read D&C 77:7 The 7,000-year period refers to the time since the Fall of Adam and Eve. It does not refer to the actual age of the earth, including the periods of creation. According to Doctrine and Covenants 77:7, what did the seven seals represent? (Seven thousand-year periods of the earth’s temporal existence, which extends from the Fall of Adam to the end of the Millennium.)
4. Considering the meaning of the book and the seals, when it appeared that no man was worthy to open the book, John may have thought that God’s will and works would not be revealed or carried out. What would happen to Heavenly Father’s children if His plan for their salvation could not be carried out?
5. Read verses 5-7. Who told John not to weep? What does the title used for Jesus Christ as recorded in Revelation 5:6 reveal about Him? (He was the sacrificial offering that was given to atone for God’s children.) Based on what John saw and heard regarding the Lamb, what truth can we learn about Jesus Christ? (Jesus Christ is the only one who is worthy and able to redeem us.)
6. Read verses 11-14. After the Lamb took the book from the hand of Heavenly Father, why did the glorified beings and all creation worship and praise Them? (The beings recognized the goodness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and felt gratitude for the Lamb’s role in Heavenly Father’s plan.) As we recognize and feel gratitude for what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have done for us, we desire to worship and praise Them.
7. Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said:
True and perfect worship consists in following in the steps of the Son of God; it consists in keeping the commandments and obeying the will of the Father to that degree that we advance from grace to grace until we are glorified in Christ as he is in his Father. It is far more than prayer and sermon and song. It is living and doing and obeying. It is emulating the life of the great Exemplar. (“How to Worship,” Ensign, Dec. 1971, 130)
Week 3
Day 1
1. Today read Revelation 7.
2. John saw many people with robes made white in the blood of the Lamb. This is a reference to Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice, that allows us to be forgiven and “made clean” again when we repent. Why do you think it is important for us to repent before we return to Heavenly Father? How often should we repent, and what do we do every week to help us remain washed clean of sin?
3. Listen to the song “When I am Baptized.”
1. Today read Revelation 6 and Revelation 7.
2. In Revelation 5, John saw a book with seven seals that only Jesus Christ was worthy to open. Each seal represented a 1,000-year period of the earth’s temporal history. Beginning in Revelation 6:12, John saw the opening of the sixth seal. The sixth seal represents the thousand years leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and likely includes the time in which we now live.
3. Read Revelation 6:12–17, looking for some of the events John saw during the opening of the sixth seal. What stood out to you from these verses? What do you learn from verses 15–16 about the spiritual condition of many who live during the opening of the sixth seal? Despite the prophesied destruction and wickedness during the last days, consider all the Lord has done and is doing to care for His Saints in preparation for His return to the earth.
4. In Revelation 7, John saw four angels sent from God who have power to both save and destroy life on earth. John foresaw these angels preparing to pour out destruction upon the earth in preparation for the Savior’s Second Coming. He also saw protection being given to members of the tribes of Israel. Read Revelation 7:13-14. What enabled these people to enter God’s presence? What do you think it means for robes to be made white in the blood of the Lamb? If we endure tribulation faithfully and become pure through Jesus Christ, we will enjoy celestial glory with God.
5. How can I begin the process of washing my robe “white in the blood of the Lamb”? Elder Lynn A. Mickelsen of the Seventy taught:
Our responsibility is to do the work of repentance. We must abandon our sins so the cleansing can begin. The promise of the Lord is that He will cleanse our garments with His blood [see Revelation 7:14]. He gave His life and suffered for all our sins. He can redeem us from our personal fall. Through the Atonement of the Savior, giving Himself as the ransom for our sins, He authorizes the Holy Ghost to cleanse us in a baptism of fire.
(Lynn A. Mickelsen, “The Atonement, Repentance, and Dirty Linen,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2003, 12)
6. In 1 Nephi 14:12–17, Nephi saw the wickedness and destruction of the last days and the Saints “armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory” (verse 14). Speaking of how we can arm ourselves with those same blessings, President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency explained:
How do we arm ourselves with righteousness and power? We keep the Sabbath day holy and honor the priesthood. We make and keep sacred covenants, work on our family history, and attend the temple. We strive continuously to repent and plead with the Lord to “apply the atoning blood of Christ that we may receive forgiveness of our sins” (Mosiah 4:2). We pray and serve and testify and exercise faith in Jesus Christ.
(Henry B. Eyring, “Armed with Righteousness,” Liahona, Mar. 2017, 4)
Day 2
1. Today read Revelation 8.
2. In the days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, war, trouble, and disasters will be on the earth. We know that through our faith in Jesus Christ, we can have peace in our hearts and our homes, even while the world is in turmoil around us. Our Heavenly Father loves us, and will help us make it through days of trouble.
3. Listen to the song “Heavenly Father Loves Me.”
1. Today read Revelation 8.
2. John wrote more about events pertaining to the seventh thousand-year period than he did about events pertaining to any of the others. He wrote particularly about the events that would occur from the time of the opening of the seventh seal to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Revelation 8:1–6 describes the Savior opening the seventh seal. John saw seven angels who were given seven trumpets. Anciently, trumpets were used to “sound an alarm, signal [an army] for battle, or announce the arrival of royalty” (Gerald N. Lund, “Seeing the Book of Revelation as a Book of Revelation,” Ensign, Dec. 1987, 50). In this instance, blowing the trumpets would signal the onset of various plagues and destruction in preparation for Jesus Christ’s millennial reign.
3. We are not going to go into detail with the sounding of each trump and the signs that accompany them in this lesson. If you are interested, you should read Revelation chapters 8-11. It is enough for us to say that in the last days, many great and terrible things will happen, and some of them will happen to us. Though the Lord promises protection to the righteous in the last days, the Prophet Joseph Smith clarified that some who are righteous may lose their lives in the trials and calamities of the last days:
“[I] explained concerning the coming of the Son of Man; also that it is a false idea that the Saints will escape all the judgments, whilst the wicked suffer; for all flesh is subject to suffer, and ‘the righteous shall hardly escape’ [see D&C 63:34]; still many of the Saints will escape, for the just shall live by faith [see Habakkuk 2:4]; yet many of the righteous shall fall a prey to disease, to pestilence, etc., by reason of the weakness of the flesh, and yet be saved in the Kingdom of God” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 253).
4. So how can we feel calm about the calamities that will occur in the last day? Watch this message from President Russell M. Nelson, “Men’s Hearts Shall Fail Them.”
Day 3
1. Read Revelation 12.
2. The prophet John taught about where we were and what happened before we came to earth. We know that all of us here on earth chose to follow Heavenly Father’s plan.
3. Watch the video “Before the Old Testament.”
1. Read Revelation 12.
2. Where did you come from before you were born on earth? How could knowing this affect your life? While describing his vision of “things which must be hereafter” (Revelation 4:1) regarding the last days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, John also shared details of our premortal existence, including a “war in heaven” (Revelation 12:7) and Satan’s opposition to followers of Jesus Christ in mortality.
3. In teaching about the premortal life and our actions there, President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency emphasized the following:
In the Council in Heaven, all the spirit children of God were introduced to the Father’s plan, including its mortal consequences and trials, its heavenly helps, and its glorious destiny. We saw the end from the beginning. All of the myriads of mortals who have been born on this earth chose the Father’s plan and fought for it in the heavenly contest that followed.
(Dallin H. Oaks, “The Great Plan,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 93)
You overcame Satan in the premortal life through Jesus Christ’s Atonement and by remaining true to your testimony. How could understanding this truth influence the way you see yourself and others?
4. President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency shared the following:
Think back to what we know of the spirit world before we were born. Our Heavenly Father presented a plan for His children. We were there. … Lucifer, our spirit brother, opposed the plan that would allow us freedom to choose. Jehovah, the Beloved Son of Heavenly Father, sustained the plan. Lucifer led a rebellion. Jehovah’s sustaining voice prevailed, and He volunteered to be our Savior.
The fact that you are in mortality now assures us that you sustained the Father and the Savior. It took faith in Jesus Christ to sustain the plan of happiness and Jesus Christ’s place in it when you knew so little of the challenges that you would face in mortality.
(Henry B. Eyring, “The Power of Sustaining Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 58)
5. Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, shared the following:
When Jesus Christ promised [in the premortal world that] He would come into mortality and give His life to gather and save us, you did not simply believe Him. You “noble spirits” had such “exceedingly great faith” that you saw His promise as sure [Russell M. Nelson and Wendy W. Nelson, “Hope of Israel,” 8; Alma 13:3]. He could not lie, so you saw Him as if He had already shed His blood for you, long before He was born. …
… Before you noble spirits were born, you learned to see Christ’s promises in this sure way, and you tasted of His salvation. Your great faith is like muscles that get stronger and bigger the more you exercise them, but they are already inside you.
(Ahmad S. Corbitt, “You Can Gather Israel!,” Liahona, May 2021, 62)
Day 4
1. Read Revelation 14.
2. John wrote about an angel who would bring “the everlasting gospel.” This prophecy has been fulfilled in the restoration of the Gospel.
3. Watch the video “The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates.”
4. Listen to the song “Choose the Right Way.”
1. Read Revelation 14.
2. Think about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. How is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints helping you understand and prepare for it? The Apostle John prophesied of events that would be a prelude to the Savior’s triumphal Second Coming, including the Restoration of His Church and the separating of the righteous from the wicked. Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained one of the many important purposes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is uniquely empowered and commissioned to accomplish the necessary preparations for the Lord’s Second Coming; indeed, it was restored for that purpose.
(D. Todd Christofferson, “Preparing for the Lord’s Return,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 82)
3. Have you ever wondered why most of our temples have a statue of Moroni on top? These statues symbolize the preaching of the restored gospel throughout the world. Heavenly messengers, including Moroni, played an important role in the Restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith. In Revelation 14, John referred to the important role that Moroni and other angels would play in helping to prepare the world for the Savior’s return.
4. Jesus Christ invites us to participate in gathering souls to Him in preparation for His Second Coming. This is often referred to as the gathering of Israel. What are some specific things you will do to prepare yourself and others for the Savior’s return? Why do you have a role in preparing the earth for the Savior’s Second Coming?
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:
Because ours is the last and greatest of all dispensations, because all things will eventually culminate and be fulfilled in our era, there is, therefore, one particular, very specific responsibility that falls to those of us in the Church now that did not rest quite the same way on the shoulders of Church members in any earlier time. Unlike the Church in the days of Abraham or Moses, Isaiah or Ezekiel, or even in the New Testament days of James and John, we have a responsibility to prepare the Church of the Lamb of God to receive the Lamb of God—in person, in triumphant glory, in His millennial role as Lord of lords and King of kings. No other dispensation ever had that duty.
… We … have the responsibility as a Church and as individual members of that Church to be worthy to have Christ come to us, to be worthy to have Him greet us, and to have Him accept and receive and embrace us. The lives we present to Him in that sacred hour must be worthy of Him!
(Jeffrey R. Holland, “Preparing for the Second Coming,” New Era, Dec. 2013, 4)
Week 4
Day 1
1. Why does the birth of a baby bring such great joy? Perhaps because a new baby can be a symbol of hope. There’s something about a brand-new life full of possibilities that invites us to ponder what life might hold for that child and what wonderful things he or she will accomplish. Never has this been truer than at the birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Never has there been more hope placed in a child, and never has there been one born with so much promise.
2. Read Matthew 1:18-25.
3. Read Luke 2:1-14.
4. Read Matthew 2:1-12.
5. Watch the video “Jesus Christ is Born.”
1. Why does the birth of a baby bring such great joy? Perhaps because a new baby can be a symbol of hope. There’s something about a brand-new life full of possibilities that invites us to ponder what life might hold for that child and what wonderful things he or she will accomplish. Never has this been truer than at the birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Never has there been more hope placed in a child, and never has there been one born with so much promise.
2. When an angel invited shepherds to seek a newborn child in a manger, he also gave them a message about that child. It was a message of hope—that this baby had come to earth to fulfill a sacred mission. The shepherds made their message “known abroad … and all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:17–19). Perhaps it would be good to follow Mary’s example this Christmas: to ponder in your heart the things you have learned about the Savior this year. How did He fulfill His mission of redemption in the accounts you have read? And more important, how has His mission changed your life?
3. Even if you have read or heard the story of the birth of Jesus Christ many times before, study it this time with this thought in mind: “Christmas is not only a celebration of how Jesus came into the world but also of knowing who He is—our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ — and of why He came” (Craig C. Christensen, “The Fulness of the Story of Christmas” [First Presidency Christmas devotional, Dec. 4, 2016], What do you know about who Jesus Christ was before He was born? (see, for example, John 17:5; Mosiah 3:5; Doctrine and Covenants 76:13–14, 20–24; Moses 4:2). How does this knowledge affect the way you feel when you read about His birth?
Day 2
1. Read John 3:16.
2. Do you understand why Jesus Christ came to earth? Watch the video “Why we need a Savior.”
3. Listen to the song “Heavenly Father Loves Me.”
1. Although the story of Christ’s birth was surrounded by miraculous events, His would be just another birth if it weren’t for the great work that He accomplished later in His life. As President Gordon B. Hinckley put it, “The babe Jesus of Bethlehem would be but another baby without the redeeming Christ of Gethsemane and Calvary, and the triumphant fact of the Resurrection” (“The Wondrous and True Story of Christmas,” Ensign, Dec. 2000, 5).
2. Evidence of the Savior’s divine mission and His powerful love for others is found throughout the New Testament. Read the following passages.
3. How have the Savior and His work blessed your life? What do you feel inspired to change? How will you draw on the Savior’s power?
Day 3
1. Today read Celebrating the Birth of Jesus.
2. Watch “The Nativity.”
1. Today read Celebrating the Birth of Jesus.
2. Watch “The Nativity.”