Busy Bags are great! Little packets of prepared activities in portable form, they are perfect for packing for travel or waiting rooms or restaurants. Busy bags can be simple or elaborate, cheap or expensive. Here’s an example of a cheap busy bag that’s quick to put together.
Estimated Cost Per Bag: < $1* Estimated Time to Make: < 10 minutes Materials:
- Paper plate
- 26 Clothespins
- Sharpie
In the time it takes you to write the alphabet twice, this busy bag is ready to go. Just put capital letters on the clothespins, lower case letters on the plate, and stick it in a ziploc.
*Cost per bag is estimated based on amount of materials used. If you are only making one bag and have to go out and buy all the materials for the bag, cost of materials will be higher, but you will have leftovers.