(Back to OT Junior Seminary Overview) Old Testament Lesson 16: Genesis 25-27 To Prepare: Read Genesis 25 and Genesis 27; print a copy of the activity below for each child participating. To Teach: Begin with a prayer. Isaac and his wife Rebekah wanted to have children, but she was barren. (That means she could not […]
All posts by Melissa
Jacob and Esau
Posted by Melissa on May 13, 2016
Rebekah at the Well
(Back to OT Junior Seminary Overview) Old Testament Lesson 15: Genesis 23-24 To Prepare: Read Genesis 24; print a copy of the activity below for each child participating. Choose between a coloring page and a word search! To Teach: Begin with a prayer. Say that Abraham’s wife, Sarah, died. Read or summarize Genesis 24:1-4. Abraham […]
Posted by Melissa on May 13, 2016
Abraham and Isaac
(Back to OT Junior Seminary Overview) Old Testament Lesson 14: Genesis 22 To Prepare: Read Genesis 22; print a copy of the activity below for each child participating. To Teach: Begin with a prayer. Read Genesis 21:2-3 and explain that, just as he was promised, Abraham and Sarah had a son whom they named Isaac. […]
Posted by Melissa on May 12, 2016