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The Fall

(Back to OT Junior Seminary overview) Old Testament Lesson 5: The Fall To Prepare: Read Moses 4. Be prepared to help children understand the unfamiliar terms below; print off one copy of the activity pamphlet. If you’re feeling ambitious, cut apart the words on page 4 before time to teach. NEW! I made a smaller […]

The Creation of Eve

(Back to OT Junior Seminary overview) Old Testament Lesson 4: The Creation of Eve This is where we discuss the seventh day, what was special about the creation of Eve, and lay the groundwork for the lesson about the Fall. To Prepare: Read Moses 3. Print off or copy down the shortened list of unfamiliar […]

The Creation

(Back to OT Junior Seminary overview) Old Testament Lesson 3: The Creation This is a fun one! Here’s a chance to go over a familiar Bible story with a lesson/activity that will leave everyone happy. To Prepare: Read Genesis 1, copy down the list of unfamiliar terms (under Understanding the Scriptures) and print out the […]