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Crash Course U.S. Government, Quarter 2

Link to Quarter 1

Day 46*

1. Watch the video about sex discrimination.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 47*

1. Watch another video about discrimination.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 48*

1. Watch the video about affirmative action.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 49*

1. Watch the video about public opinion.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the question.

Day 50

1. Watch the video about public opinion polling.
2. Write a paragraph about polling. What are some ways that polls can be inaccurate or misleading? If they are so easy to influence, why is polling still so widely used in America?

Day 51*

1. Watch the video about shaping public opinion.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 52*

1. Watch the video about political ideology.
2. Print pages 1 and 2 of the PDF and use the video the answer the questions.

Day 53

1. Watch the video about the first presidential election.
2. Write a paragraph about how that first election was different than elections today.

Day 54*

1. Watch the video about election basics.
2. Print the first 2 pages of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 55*

1. Watch the video about how US elections work. This video was designed to help people from the UK understand how elections work in the United States, so there will be a lot of comparisons to how UK elections and government are run.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 56*

1. Watch the video about gerrymandering.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 57

1. Watch another video about gerrymandering.
2. Write a paragraph about gerrymandering. What is the biggest problem with it? What are the three solutions available to avoid this problem?

Day 58*

1. Watch the video about how voters decide.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 59*

1. Watch the video about political campaigns.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 60*

1. Watch the video about political parties.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 61

1. Watch the video about primary elections.
2. Write a paragraph about primary elections. How do they choose the candidates who will run for president? How is the process like voting for president? How is it unlike that process?

Day 62

1. Watch the video about party systems.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 63

1. Watch the video about the problems with first past the post and two party systems.
2. Write a paragraph explaining the problems with the two party system, and why the first past the post system almost always ends up with only two parties.

Day 64*

1. Watch the video about interest groups.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 65*

1. Watch the video about the formation of interest groups.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 66*

1. Watch the video about media institution.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 67

1. Watch the video about how to choose your news.
2. Write a paragraph about why it is important to choose the source of your news carefully, and what you can do to get more accurate information.

Day 68*

1. Watch the video about media regulation.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 69*

1. Watch the video about market economy.
2. Print pages 1 and 2 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 70*

1. Watch the video about government regulations.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 71*

1. Watch the video about monetary and fiscal policy.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 72*

1. Watch the video about social policy.
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 73*

1. Watch the video about foreign policy. (This is the last video in the Crash Course series! Don’t worry, we still have more things to learn.)
2. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 74

1. Multiple states require students to pass a Civics test to graduate from High School. In order to graduate in states with this requirement, you must pass the test with a score of at least 60%. For the rest of the semester we are going to prepare for and then take an equivalent test.
2. Today take this practice test. (The questions will be different every time.) This test was written in 2008, so any questions that say “today” mean “in 2008.” Record your score and report it to a parent or another adult.

Day 75*

1. Take the quiz. (Click, “Start the Test.” Then click “Select Your Answer” to see the multiple choice answers.) Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. We are going to review some early American history. Watch the video about colonizing America.
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 76*

1. Take the quiz again. (It should give you different questions.) Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. Today watch the video “Prelude to Revolution.”
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 77*

1. Take the quiz again. (Some of the questions may be the same, take it anyway!) Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. Today watch the video about The American Revolutionary War.
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 78*

1. Take the quiz again. Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. Watch the video about the Constitution and Federalism.
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 79*

1. Take the quiz again. Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. Watch the video about the War of 1812.
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 80*

1. Take the quiz again. Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. Watch the video about westward expansion and the Civil War.
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 81*

1. Take the quiz again. Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. Watch the video about women’s suffrage.
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 82*

1. Take the quiz again. Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. Watch the video about World War II.
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 83*

1. Today you are taking a different quiz, about Colonial America and the Revolutionary War. (Here is the page.) From the dropdown menu, select “American History: Colonial Period and Independence.” Then click START. Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. Today watch the video about the Cold War.
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and used the video to answer the questions.

Day 84*

1. You’re going to take a different quiz again today. From the dropdown menu, select “American Government: Principles of American Democracy.” Then click START. Report your score to a parent or other adult.
2. Watch the video about terrorism and the presidency of George Bush.
3. Print page 1 of the PDF and use the video to answer the questions.

Day 85

1. We are done with our history review! Today take another quiz. This one is long. From the dropdown menu select American Government: System of Government. Take the quiz and report your score to a parent or other adult.

Day 86*

1. Today you will begin your final assessment for this class. Print the first 3 pages of the PDF and take the test. This test must be completed without looking up any answers. When you are finished, hand your test to your parent to grade. (The answer key is on the 4th page of the PDF.)
2. You must score at least 60% on this test for it to count as passing. If you score below 60% study your mistakes because you will have to retake this test another day.
3. If you are in a state where passing this course is required for graduation, tell your parents to keep this test for your portfolio.

Day 87*

1. Today is part 2 of your final assessment. Print the first 3 pages of the PDF and take the test. This test must be completed without looking up any answers. When you are finished, hand your test to your parent to grade. (The answer key is on the 4th page of the PDF.)
2. You must score at least 60% on this test for it to count as passing. If you score below 60% study your mistakes because you will have to retake this test another day.
3. If you are in a state where passing this course is required for graduation, tell your parents to keep this test for your portfolio.

Day 88*

1. Today is part 3 of your final assessment. Print the first 3 pages of the PDF and take the test. This test must be completed without looking up any answers. When you are finished, hand your test to your parent to grade. (The answer key is on the 4th page of the PDF.)
2. You must score at least 60% on this test for it to count as passing. If you score below 60% study your mistakes because you will have to retake this test another day.
3. If you are in a state where passing this course is required for graduation, tell your parents to keep this test for your portfolio.

Day 89*

1. Today is part 4 of your final assessment. This test is shorter than the other three. Print the first 2 pages of the PDF and take the test. This test must be completed without looking up any answers. When you are finished, hand your test to your parent to grade. (The answer key is on the 3rd page of the PDF.)
2. You must score at least 60% on this test for it to count as passing. If you score below 60% study your mistakes because you will have to retake this test another day.
3. If you are in a state where passing this course is required for graduation, tell your parents to keep this test for your portfolio.

Day 90

1. If you didn’t score high enough on any of your final assessment tests, retake them today.
2. Record your final scores. You’ve finished!